April 18, 2024

I looked back on this year of movies and realized I have not seen enough good films to even make a list…of the movies I’ve seen I could only think to place Avengers: Age of Ultron anywhere in my Top 5…So I decided to make a list of films I WISH I had seen this year…and Star Wars, because it can’t be worse than Episodes 1-3.

  • Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
    • Everything I’ve seen is obviously hyping up the first film of the new trilogy to be THE BIGGEST MOVIE OF THE DECADE! But even outside of that, I look at JJ Abrahms, the man who made me enjoy something Star Trek related, is now in charge of on of my favorite franchises EVER!…so fingers, toes, every extremity possible crossed…(Plus Daisy Ridley is super cute)
  • Ex Machina
    • The second Oscar Issac film on this list, this film just intrigued me. I love films that are majority dialogue and take place in primarily one place…throw in some science fiction and you’ve won me over completely. I know very little outside of what is revealed in the trailers…
  • The Martian
    • This is both a movie and book I need to read/watch. The most realistic science fiction movie I’ve heard about since…Back to the Future…right? BONUS POINTS: Donald Glover!
  • Crimson Peak
    • Guillermo Del Toro…um, do I have to say more? Probably but for me that’s enough…
  • The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
    • Comedy Spy movie, that’s all I really need…based off of an already existing entertaining television series that stars NCIS’ Ducky.